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Boss Figurine Stress Toy

Boss Figurine Stress Toy

Minimum Quantity Required: 100

If your boss is stressed out of his head, you need to get together with your office colleagues and give him a present that will calm him down and also put a smile on his face. No matter how much work there is or how many deadlines must be met, he needs to relax and de-stress. The fabulous design offers a three-dimensional boss tearing his hair out. He has his hands on his head and he is yelling in frustration. His wears a light coloured shirt and a corporate coloured tie. Don't let your boss get to this stage, he is likely to have a heart attack. If your company has a great sense of humour, use these trendy stress toys as give-aways at corporate events, seminars and team building outings. You are sure to get the message across that stress is not good and create a fun vibe at the same time.

Custom Printing Included in Price

Talk to our designers about branding your company logo and graphics onto the boss, the process is included in our listed price, in a single colour print. Please note that our prices exclude GST and a print set up of $60 applies. We offer a product turnaround time of two weeks, but we can offer even faster turnaround times for urgent orders. We can supply this product unbranded if required.

Cost for Extra Colour Prints

This stress shape can be printed with extra colour prints in a pantone colour of your choice using Pad printing. Pricing for this option can be viewed here:

Excluding GST 100 250 500 1000 Setup
Extra Spot Colour Prints Add: 0.30 0.25 0.24 0.22 68
(pad print in Pantone Colours)

Cost for Full Colour Prints

Alternatively an option is available for you to further decorate this stress shape using a digital transfer print method. This enables you to have a photo quality finish print onto this stress shape. Pricing for this option can be viewed here:

Excluding GST 100 250 500 1000 Setup
Full Colour Print Add: 2.60 1.23 0.81 0.58 tba
(digital transfer print) Bulk orders

Product Size & Decoration Area

Item Size: 142 mm x 48 mm x 48 mm, Printing Size: 20 mm x 30 mm

Stress Ball Colour: White

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